
October 2008
Heikenskermis 2008 and the project
‘Captation of rain water in the school of Munyinya – Rwanda’
A lovely weather, an aperitif and children faces, ribs and music, known and new faces… these were the ingredients of a successful Heikenskermis festivity!
Although summertime was not the biggest success related to the weather as known by all the sun was present on Saturday August 16th in Moerbeke-Waas.
With numerous off people was it was nice staying out with one or more aperitifs. While being watch by mom and dad or grandma and grandpa and with the expert help of Els and Isabel lots of children faces got some make up : pennies for “children for children in Cyangugu’ (Rwanda).
After the aperitif it was time to go to the tent as also our inner side has to be treated, thus shuffle along for ribs or chicken with fries. In the tent it was very lively with from time to time many decibels of the percussion act of the group Djem Slam. In the meantime the governing board members of Vleugels van Hoop spread themselves over the totally filled tent as it was time for the lottery. Under the wings of the President an innocent child hand drew the winning lot. The winner of the lottery can enjoy with another person a peaceful holiday in Spain. Congratulations! And… of course our sincere thanks to the sponsor of this price.
A party is no party without… dancing! After a difficult start but therefore not less successful the atmosphere in the tent grew by the performance of Smooth Flavour with soul, disco, funk, back into time …
Heikenskermis 2008 was again good, thank you families and friends for your presence. Thanks to all of you Vleugels van Hoop can offer a nice donation to the “school project captation of rain water in Munyinya” – Rwanda.
Also next year we count on a splattering Heikenskermis!
Block already now in your agenda Saturday August 15th 2009.
More info: clic here
The two side activities ‘Children for children’ were also successful.
1. Under the name ‘A funny and nice face for a small cow’ children who wanted to donate a penny were getting makeup and by this share the fine remembrance to care for other children as in the far away Cyangugu in the south west of Rwanda a health care centre is searching for a generous milk cow.
Weak mothers are coming to the health centre with their undernourished children for a consultation. If we can donate them the money for a milk cow the children will get a cup or bottle of fresh milk.
2. ‘Share a cuddle’
‘A cuddle, nobody knows better than a child what this friend means.
That friend is always around: to play with, to have with you in the dark when you’re scared, just because he is so soft…
Will you make sure that a foreign, far friend feels a nit less alone?’
‘Bring a cuddle along and share some tenderness’, was the message and hou rafter hour cuddles came in.
Besides above project we start 3 small projects in Cyangugu and we extend one for the ‘Household education’ of ‘Twese Hamwe’ Kigali – Rwanda.
Sewing & knitting work shop 2008
Set up a small work shop: sewing, knitting and embroidery for person with HIV, with the AIDS virus contaminated young women and their children.
Framing, learning a profession, providing a social activity for these, earlier excluded, group of women.
Initiators: Julienne Mukarukaka & Benedicte Mukanyangezi.
Location: dry and strongly erosion damaged region - mountains in the south west of Rwanda, in the border area with Congo.
Provided duration: extendible after a calendar year.
Start date: October 2008.
Costs: 1.447.OOO,- RwFr i.e. 1800,00 €.
Grow project 2008
Framing and providing means to start the growing of rabbits, chickens and goats. Objectives:
Improving the life quality, offering a social activity and providing a financial income. Initiators: Julienne Mukarukaka & Benedicte Mukanyangezi.
Location: dry and strongly erosion damaged region - mountains in the south west of Rwanda, in the border area with Congo.
Beneficiaries: Persons with HIV, with Aids virus contaminated young women and their children.
Provided duration: extendible after a calendar year.
Start date: October 2008.
Costs: 370.000,- RwFr. i.e. 500 €.
Milk cow Cyangugu - Rwanda.
The 'Milk cow project' looks at First sight maybe as a very ‘small’ project but it is, in First instance, the story of lots of emotions and ‘close’ contact with the local people. You are probably wondering: why sponsoring a milk cow....
It looks simple at first sight but is anyway a story like no other!
Cyangugu is a small city at the borders of the lake Kivu in the south east of Rwanda.
Close to the health care centre the bridge over the River, which is the border with Congo, is located.
Next doors from the health care centre a group of 'Vleugels van Hoop' stayed over night and there the story started.
A tour guided by sister Benedicte made us know the centre and her question whether our association would be willing to sponsor a milk cow in fact needed some more explanation.
The area is very poor and lots of women, coming for a consultation, even don’t have the means to offer their children a cup of milk.... Consequence: lots of diseases and malnutrition, lots of single mothers with hardly any means to survive.
The purpose is to offer the children, who came for a consultation, a small cup of milk.
Milk which helps against thirst, but more important a necessary strengthening of their thin bodies.
Over the course of time perhaps several calves can do the same and in this way strong children can help others...Sicknesses cause a truth ravage in this region. The most vulnerable are the women and the children who die in large numbers. Malnutrition is the largest cause.
Initiators: Julienne Mukarukaka & Benedicte Mukanyangezi.
Locations: dry and strongly erosion damaged region - mountains in the south west of Rwanda, in the border area with Congo.
Beneficiaries: Persons with HIV, with Aids virus contaminated young women and their children.
Provided duration: extendible after a calendar year.
Start date: October 2008.
Costs: 1.000.000,- RwFr. i.e. 1250,00 €.
‘Twese Hamwe’
Within the project ‘Household education’ ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ decided to extend the project with the purchasing of goods (plates, knives, forks, spoons…) for a value of 1069,00€.
Thank you to so many people who, from far or close by, agree with the ideas of ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ and support these.
Do you want to support 'Vleugels van Hoop'vzw?
Bank account number 001-5300142-41
Sincere : THANK YOU !
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